
Spencer Oberg

Chief Executive Officer

Spencer is a driven, innovative leader, and the co-founder of Unincarcerated.

With a compassionate and compelling approach, Spencer and his team strive to shed light on the issues facing our society today that keep us imprisoned in one shape or form.

Spencer's unique perspective comes from his lived experience, having spent nearly eight years in a Washington State prison. This experience taught him not only about himself, but also about the flaws and shortcomings of the American justice system. He has since dedicated his life to making positive changes and helping others overcome similar challenges.

After his release, Spencer refused to let his past define him. He took control of his life and became a successful entrepreneur, building GOOD PLANeT Foods, a plant-based food company, with Founder, David Israel, and his now-wife, Bianca Penuelas, from the ground up immediately upon release from prison. In addition to other entrepreneurial pursuits, he also serves as an advisor for other organizations.

Spencer's leadership extends beyond the business world. He has given a TEDx Talk (while in prison!?!), developed and hosted entrepreneurship seminars and events, did a stint as a preacher, and served as the president of several Toastmasters clubs while earning recognition of Distinguished Toastmaster. 

He is a true Renaissance man, with a passion for engines of all kinds, from cars to boats to financial and beyond. Outside of work, Spencer can be found enjoying the beauty of Washington State, both on the water in the sun and on the mountain in the snow. He loves traveling the world with his lovely wife and finding exciting new opportunities everywhere they go.